A lot of abstracts for me become just experimentation and feelers. I like to test colours and brush strokes, I like to put the way I am feeling through that day into the work. Abstract gives me that freedom I never have with my higher detailed pieces, it allows me to break away from my fixation on details. Its all about how to resinate with what I want, and to get others to think - most cases we won't associate the same feeling or 'picture' with an abstract, it doesn't make any opinion wrong or right.
When I moved into my first apartment for collage with some friends, this painting was the first one hung up in the common area, it was the first thing you saw when you entered the apartment.  This was the probably also the first abstract I had ever really done in seriousness, it was a practice for another piece I was doing and it turned out to be the better of the two. It had gone unnamed for many years, but when I moved in with my friends they joked about adding a 'gallery tag' underneath it.
Hung under the painting for the years we lived together, was a crappy piece of paper titled;
The Golden Ocean
-Mixed Media on Canvas
Underneath this painting is actually a whole other painting, one that was 'the study of water' I had done for an art show I participated in many years back. The piece didn't sell so I repainted over top. It is part 1 of a 2 part set.
-Acrylic on Canvas
This one is part 2 of 2, it has the same story of being another painting for the show that I didn't sell it. It was the study of mountains. While this one does have a proper name for it as well, my boyfriend likes to call it Mustard on Mayo.
-Acrylic on Canvas
The beauty of it all is that I forget what I was feeling this day, but in the end the colours still speak to me.
Through the Leaves
-Acrylic on Wood Block
During my first and second program's in college I lost touch with my traditional art side. I was doing a lot more digital stuff and hardly touched a paint brush in nearly 4 years. This wasn't the first time I had painted since then, but it was one of the first few I had done for myself.
Abstract Sea
-Acrylic on Canvas
My pride and joy, don't ask me why, but this is a piece I made and fell in love with. I was struggling a lot during this time in my life and making this allowed me to express it. It didn't take long to make, but it felt like I poured my heart and soul into it.
Currently it is nameless.
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