The start of this series was around May of 2021 when I made a Strawberry cake roll, roughly a month after my Partner and I moved into our new Apartment. We have the electrical panel in the middle of one of our walls in our kitchen, I found it ugly and wanted to hide it the best I could so I thought "Why not put a painting there?" and of course, its the kitchen, so it needs to be food themed...
I created that first piece, inspired by my favourite fruit, and taking similar techniques from my palette knife style I do with landscapes and applying it to brush I created the piece with a very free feeling.
I decided to make it a series after I went back to school for Culinary Management later that year, it took a while after I decided it but in the end I am excited to bring all the food ideas to life, mashing two of my passions together into one beauty.

Strawberries - May 2021
Acrylic Brush on Canvas 30x30 Inches.
Lemons - May 2022
Acrylic Brush on Canvas 16x20 Inches.


Kiwi's - July 5th, 2022
Acrylic on MDF board 10x10 Inches.
Why I Cant Buy a Home - or more simply:
Avocado Toast - July 26th, 2022
Acrylic on MDF board 10x10 Inches.


Sushi - August 16, 2022
Acrylic on MDF board 10x10 Inches.

The smaller MDF paintings were rolling out pretty easily, my style adapted with each one I did, and while it changed subtly it stuck fairly true to my original ideals. Each piece I 'spoke' with my viewers in a sense, I got people to vote and decide what the next possibility could be. There is something fun about engaging with people in a project, to have them make an input in the possible paintings I want to do and help me decide the goal.
The two pieces were created almost exactly 1 year apart, the first 'Strawberries' was finished on May 27, 2021, and the second 'Lemons' was finished May 30th 2022. 'Lemons' was sold soon after posting it on Instagram, but it signals the start of the commitment to this series!